
Restaurant Page 2


10 Ferguson Avenue, Alberta WS
TEL: (123) 456 – 7890

Restaurant Page 2

About Us

Sed euismod, nunc at bibendum dapibus, leo ante scelerisque urna.

Duis bibendum, ex ac rutrum pharetra, tortor ipsum commodo est, et vehicula metus lectus sed metus. Pellentesque. Vestibulum consectetur risus id metus lacinia suscipit. Nunc tempus sem id mi tristique, et fringilla justo elementum.



Deluxe Omelette $10.95
Bacon, sausage, ham, red peppers, green peppers, red onions, and mushrooms in a three egg omelette

Eggs Benedict $10.95
Poached eggs served on a toasted English muffin, layered with peameal bacon and topped with Hollandaise sauce. Served with breakfast potatoes

Eggs Florentine $9.95
Poached eggs served on a toasted English muffin, layered with cooked spinach and topped with Hollandaise sauce. Served with breakfast potatoes.

Menu copied from Symposium Cafe


Farmhouse Burger $16
Prime rib burger, fried egg, peameat bacon, tomato, lettuce, mayo

Spicy Thai Basil Noodle $19.75
Prawns, chicken, coconut milk and basic infused chili sauce

Butternut Squash Ravioli $18.50
Roma tomato sauce, Goat cheese, spinach, grape tomatoes, spicy glazed pecans

Menu copied from Milestones


Prosciutto $19
on a flatbread with goat cheese, fig, thyme bechamel & aged balsamic

Black Cod $36
Marinated in capers & fresh lemon, served with fregola pasta, & smoked paprika fumet

Beet $54
Tenderloin, herb roasted & served with broccoli puree, bordelaise butter & marrow potatoes

Menu copied from Chase



Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait $12
Rhubarb compote, liquid cheesecake, strawberry sorbet, vanilla ice cream, pistachio crunch

Fruit $11
Salad with buffalo milk yogurt, mint, basil & crimson berry tea syrup

Artisanal Cheese $20
Served with housemade preserves and artisanal breads

Menu copied from Chase


Special Treat

Aliquam vitae dolor purus. Curabitur maximus sapien ac nulla posuere, a cursus orci posuere. Nulla a neque nibh. Vestibulum consectetur risus id metus lacinia suscipit. 

Celebrate National Day 

Sed euismod, nunc at bibendum dapibus, leo ante scelerisque urna, sed rhoncus metus nisi vitae arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut lacinia elit at est placerat, vel congue lorem tempor. Etiam vehicula aliquam maximus. Nulla sagittis nunc sit amet enim semper, at efficitur ligula vulputate. Pellentesque mattis ante quis dui elementum molestie. Suspendisse mattis posuere leo, non dapibus velit blandit eu. Nulla tincidunt risus libero, at porta turpis tristique eu. Quisque id ante augue. Ut a ligula arcu. Donec aliquet elit a consequat finibus.

Learn to Cook from Chef Patisau

Duis bibendum, ex ac rutrum pharetra, tortor ipsum commodo est, et vehicula metus lectus sed metus. Pellentesque auctor vel lacus eu gravida. Aliquam vitae dolor purus. Curabitur maximus sapien ac nulla posuere, a cursus orci posuere. Nulla a neque nibh. Vestibulum consectetur risus id metus lacinia suscipit. Nunc tempus sem id mi tristique, et fringilla justo elementum. ibus.

What People Are Saying

“Need to come here more often. The foods great, the service is spectacular, and the ambiance of the place is mind blowing!” – Ariel Nafitiri

“Proposed to my girlfriend here. Celebrated my fathers birthday here. This place has some really great memories for me. Bishop Eatery has a very special place in my heart.” – Ramond Uturu

“A place filled with character. Focused on providing world class service, paired with world-class food. How can you go wrong eat at Bishop Eatery. I give it 5 out of 5. ” – Carl Monroe from “The Source”

Contact Us


(123) 456 – 7890
(345) 898 – 4124





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